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Hire The Best Developers
For a Fraction of the Price

Highly skilled and meticulously filtered
off-shore developers to bring your ideas to life
100+ Developers

20+ Companies

70% Saved

Looking to hire?

Find a suitable developer in less than a week!

Smart solution for starting
your business

We focus on providing our partners with the highest skills available on the market while maintaining a faily low price which is perfect for small businesses and startups

We also ensure a smooth journey as we continue to monitor performance.

  • Simple and effective process
  • No commitment
  • No paperwork

Choose the Plan

Get the most comfortable service for you and your team. Find a plan
most matching your needs.


For tiny projects

$ 15 Hour
  • Full Time
  • Part Time
  • Full Team Integration
  • Guarantee and Monitoring

Long Term

For established projects

$ 12 Hour
  • Full Time
  • Part Time
  • Full Team Integration
  • Guarantee and Monitoring